Young Sheldon5 5. He made a friend! He made a friend! (In the car) Sheldon : Speaking of which, You'll be happy to know I made a friend today. Mom : Oh, well, that's nice. But as I said, this isn't for me. It's for you. (At home) Mom : He made a friend! he did it! Our little boy has got a friend! Dad : Who is it? Mom : Who cares? It's a human being. It's a warm body Sheldon : Mom? Mom : Yes, honey. Sheldon : Can I come in?(from ou.. 2023. 12. 18. 4. Kind of overdoing it a little. Sheldon. Sheldon : Hello, George. Dad : What? Sheldon : I do admire your thick head of hair... George. Dad : Thanks. What's going on? Sheldon : Well, I'm practicing the principles in this book. Dad : Why? Sheldon : Well, I know mom is concerned that I don't have any friends, so I'm determined to remedy the situation. Dad : Oh. Well, good for you. Sheldon : Do you feel complimented when I say your name, G.. 2023. 12. 11. 3.I failed to make a single friend. I failed to make a single friend. Tam : Is that any good? Sheldon : I'm afraid not. I failed to make a single friend. Tam: That sucks. I have a tough time making friends, too. Sheldon : The worst part is, It was important to my mom. Tam : My parents pressure me about making friends all the time. Sheldon : So you understand what I'm going through. Well, good luck on your quest to find a friend. T.. 2023. 12. 5. 2. I need to learn how to make a friend. librarian : Hey there, Sheldon. What can I get for you today? Chemistry? Quantum mechanics? Astronomy? Sheldon : No nothing fun today. I need to learn how to make a friend. librarian : Ow, honey, you having a hard time adjusting to high school? Sheldon : I'm having a hard time adjusting to Earth. librarian : Yeah. You and me both. Try this. librarian : Hey there. Sheldon. What can I get for you .. 2023. 11. 30. 이전 1 2 다음